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Company is committed to the principle of equal opportunities in employment.  It is committed to ensuring that no applicant or employee receives less favorable treatment on the grounds of gender, marital status, race, color, nationality, religion or disability. It will apply to employment policy which ensures that entry into and progression within the Company is determined solely by the application of job criteria, personal ability and competence


The Company’s recruitment process is based on the principle of non-discrimination and is designed to recruit the best suitable candidate for the job. Selection will be based on individual’s knowledge, educational background, qualifications, skills, experience, aptitude and attitude.


To ensure that all employees of the Company comply with the Personal Data Protection Act (PDPA) in all the aspects, including but not limited to collection, use, disclosure, maintenance of accuracy, handling and security of personal data, in a manner that recognises both the right of individuals to protect their personal data and the need of the Company to collect, use and disclose personal data for purposes that a reasonable person would consider appropriate in the circumstances.

Whoever we may deal with, and wherever we may operate, we are committed to doing so lawfully, ethically and with integrity. As part of this commitment, all forms of bribery/ corruption are prohibited.

We must not and ensure that any third party acting on our behalf does not act corruptly in our dealings with any other person. Anti-Corruption/Bribery  policy  sets  out  MOL  Ship Management (Singapore)  Pte.  Ltd. policies to prevent acts of corruption/bribery. Procedures have been designed to comply with legislations governing corruption and bribery.
The Anti-Corruption /Bribery Policy is not intended to be the integral centre for all definitive answers. Rather, it is an introduction to our employees, as well to our business partners the company’s commitment to tackle corruption and bribery.
We will periodically assess potential risk areas in our business that may be exposed to corrupt practices as well as sanction budget and strategies to uphold and strengthen our anti-corruption actions.

As a company and as individuals we are obliged to understand and comply by law with various anti-monopoly/ competition rules at national, Japan, EU, US etc. levels. Competition compliance is all about upholding these rules and more importantly about being seen to uphold these rules. 
Company personnel shall not violate the Anti-monopoly Laws, the laws and regulations on securing fair trade practices affecting the Company’s line of business . 

business that may be exposed to corrupt practices as well as sanction budget and strategies to uphold and strengthen our anti-corruption/bribery actions.

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